Sources: Alex Sink getting in CFO race
Multiple sources indicate to Florida Buzz that Banker Alex Sink, the wife of 2002 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill McBride will enter the race for Florida's chief Financial Officer as early as next week. Sink would be a formidable candidate that should the Democrats statewide as she is a business savvy, well connected, political moderate from the Tampa Bay Area which is Florida's largest media market.
Sink will be a formidable candidate no doubt, probably the most formidable candidate the Democrats have offered for a statewide cabinet office in sometime, but she may have to overcome a sluggish performance from other Democrats on the ticket to win. A Democratic strategist who asked to remain anonymous stated that he expects the Democrats to lose every statewide election next year except for the U.S. Senate seat held by Bill Nelson by double digits. The strategist said " we just don't have the organization or the ground game to be competitive statewide even when we have good candidates, because our local organizations are a complete joke compared to the GOPs."
The Republican field for CFO includes Senate President Tom Lee (R- Brandon) and State Representative Randy Johnson (R- Winter Garden). State Representative Dennis Ross (R-Lakeland) we learned earlier this week will not pursue a race for CFO in order to stay with his law firm.
Sink will be a formidable candidate no doubt, probably the most formidable candidate the Democrats have offered for a statewide cabinet office in sometime, but she may have to overcome a sluggish performance from other Democrats on the ticket to win. A Democratic strategist who asked to remain anonymous stated that he expects the Democrats to lose every statewide election next year except for the U.S. Senate seat held by Bill Nelson by double digits. The strategist said " we just don't have the organization or the ground game to be competitive statewide even when we have good candidates, because our local organizations are a complete joke compared to the GOPs."
The Republican field for CFO includes Senate President Tom Lee (R- Brandon) and State Representative Randy Johnson (R- Winter Garden). State Representative Dennis Ross (R-Lakeland) we learned earlier this week will not pursue a race for CFO in order to stay with his law firm.
Hey Joe. Did "McCain" cheat on his wife with a six-foot blond with enormous plastic surgery who was a lobbyist for gambling interests. Did "McCain" then push her bill through the Florida Legislature, usually keeping his fingerprints off it at all costs? Of course John McCain didn't do that. Tom Lee did. Tom Lee doesn't sound like the John McCain I know and respect.
Alex Sink will be very strong. It is good to have a woman running statewide. We need more diversity in state government. With the exception of Charlie Crist, all the elected cabinet members in Florida are white men.
Sink will be a good candidate (on paper), but will she do the work that she needs to do as a candidate? After 2002, rumors circulated that Sink was horrible to work for because she was demanding ofher staff and was unwilling to work hard. Essentially, the question that needs to be asked is "Does she have the fire in the belly?" I'm not sure she does.
Honestly, who cares whether Democrats nominate her or Eric Copeland or Bugs Bunny? The GOP will win every statewide office easily this year. Hey, I just hope Nelson hangs on and that we don't lose anymore legislative seats.
She'll be very strong and hopefully she'll work hard as Mark mantioned. I really like our chances up and down the ticket if she actually does run.
I agree with Jill. Both McBride and Sink are the best we have as Florida Democrats. McBride has been attacked by some in the party who are Janet Reno worshipers. These South Floridians never leave their region and are condescending towards anyone who isn't from New York and who may have a different lifestyle or attitude than they have.
The bottom line on 2002: The Democrats had a bad national year and that hurt us in Florida. Incumbent Democrats lost the Governorship in the two neighboring states, so in comparison McBride's performance doesn't look so bad. Moreover, McBride carried several counties in the panhandle that had not been carried by Democrats in a long long time.
So while it is vogue for ignorant Democrats with a losing mindset to bash McBride, he really did quite well and helped the party rebuild in North Florida. Janet Reno had she been nominated would have gotten less than 40% of the vote and would have cost the Democrats elections everywhere, up and down the state.
If you all really think she is such a good candidate, then run her against someone besides Tom Lee. Lee ain't that bad, and no I am not a closet Republican, just someone who tells it like it is. Let's hope she doesn't get her campaign advice from pillow talk...
Gosh Aaronson again -- its pretty clear that you want to turn Kartik's site into an Aaronson bash fest considering few people would have a hard time letting your inane comments about him stand. So, i am guessing you are part of an anti-Aaronson faction and are trying to fuel this bashing. Anyway if you want to bash Aaronson why don't you create your own anti-Aaronson site why waste all of our time here on this nonsense.
Dan Lewis and Mike Moskowitz? You can't be that silly I assume thereby Lewis has given you some sort of kick back deal and it helps you to drive him business. Dan is a political consultant and arguably the most controversial in Broward County -- a political consultant now has voter followings that's out there even for you. Moskowitz is a local fundrasier -- how the heck does he now have a voter following? What next Derrick Newton controls the vote in Dade? Does Karl Koch control the voters in Tampa? I mean that as no disrespect to Koch or Newton I like them both.
I used to believe that you are just defending Aaronson but not anymore -- all you are doing is soliciting hits on him. Kartik was talking about the Governor's race and then you bring Aaronson into the debate now you are doing it with the CFO race. You have to know that you are just crying for people to take shots at him. Either you are totally dense or you are no friend of Aaronson.
I'll at least give you that some people would think that Aaronson has some sway with voters considering he's an elected offical and represents a constituency. It's not really true but the thought isn't from Mars.
On the other hand this is from Mars, Dan Lewis is a political consultant who has lost a ton of Broward races. Even Judy Stern who is as controversial and has her own problems with people -- has been cleaning his clock in races. Now you say Lewis owns a constituency interesting news to all of us Broward residents. The only thing that you've said that makes even a little sense is that Mike Moskowitz is on people's call list -- in terms of Broward fundraising that's true. In terms of controlling the vote even the most local condo yokel would argue with you.
Jeff you must be over 60 at least, no one who is young or is part of the current campaign climate -- comes up with this stuff. In South Florida the day of condo commnandos controlling the vote is well over.
If you live in a retirement community and were part of the glory condo years -- bravo! But those days are long gone. The problem with some of our Democrats are that they aren't hip with the realities of today's campaigns. It's one of the reasons why the Republicans have been beating us and people like you have been weakening our party.
Having said all that its good to see some of our older Democratic activist get on the web. And If you are over 60 as I suspect I mean all of this would the utmost deference. It's Ok to have differing views as long as we are helping the cause. You don't seem to be helping the cause and by extension helping the Republicans but i assume the intentions are good.
In terms of your fascination with Kartik and Aaronson -- that's for a good pschyologist to help you with -- it has nothing to do with politics.
I hear its more likely to be Campbell
Tim I, the info about Lee is well known. He ended up leaving his wife for the gambling lobbyist. (Kind of a Newt Gingrich thing - trade-in the wife and get a younger, better one!)
This year, the Republicans in the House used it as an example to embarrass Lee. On Lee's lobbyist accountability bill, Rep. Baxley (I think) proposed an amendment that would require any lobbyist who is engaged in sex with an elected official to report it. The amendment was withdrawn, but it was meant to be a slap in the face to Lee because conservatives in the House didn't like the bill.
I don't know about Lee's divorce papers. Is anyone here from Tampa? Go to the courthouse. It's public record.
This is the issue. Senator Lee committed adultery with a lobbyist for the gambling industry and pushed her agenda through the Florida Legislature. It's the abuse of power coupled with immorality that makes it an important issue. It wouldn't be wrong to use this issue. To the contrary, it would be wrong not to. The voters have a right to know these kinds of things, then make an informed decision.
Do I suggest that Florida Democrats, not necessarily Sink, use this issue? Absolutely. Do I think the Democrats will use it? Absolutely not. Democrats in Florida only like to go through the motions, but we don't really want to win elections. There are too many Democrats leaders in Florida who are comfortable where they are and don't really care if things improve.
Too many Florida Democrats are happy enough to say "We won, but the election was stolen" or "Reno would have won if the primary hadn't be rigged by McBride supporters" or "Kerry would have won if the voting machines in Ohio weren't computerized and open to manipulation." Do you see a trend here? Democrats don't seem to mind losing as long as they have a good excuse for it.
Of course there will be plenty to use against Lee, since he is a flawed politician who wants to be the top regulator of our banks and other industries. But to let an issue this huge just go by without a mention is inexcusable.
Not a problem with me. Let the voters decide. Hey Matt, you got a problem with voters making educated decisions? Yep, you sound like a Republican.
Voters need to know that the Republicans are an immoral party. Remember that Jeb Bush cheated on his wife with a former Playboy playmate, then appointed her as the secretary to not one, but two, state departments. McBride should have made an issue of that, because it is not only adultery but an abuse of power. Tom Lee is no better.
We also need to hear about Charlie Crist's homosexual affairs. There is nothing wrong with being gay, but since he is trying to conceal it, and not very well, he opens himself, and the Office of Governor, to blackmail and corruption. We don't want Crist to be the next Jim McGreevy!
Jeb Bush and Cynthia Henderson - I can't believe we let that one go by without making it an issue. It made national news, and we just ignored it. I think Democrats enjoy losing.
Read about it:
Okay, if you guys really want to make sex the basis for campaigns in Florida you are asking for it. As a Republican that freqnuents Tallahassee nhot spots during session I can without a hesitation say to all of you that a far higher percentage of Democratic legislators are out hot nobbing with lobbyists and being unfaithful to their loved ones than GOP lawmakers.
In fact beyond partying I'm not sure what the Democrats do during session. You want things to get really really nasty? Why do you think ron Klein is running for Congress when DWS is heading up recruitment for the Democrats in Florida? I'll let you smut mongering Democrats figure that one out.
We also need to hear about Charlie Crist's homosexual affairs. There is nothing wrong with being gay, but since he is trying to conceal it, and not very well, he opens himself, and the Office of Governor, to blackmail and corruption. We don't want Crist to be the next Jim McGreevy!
You my friend are a first class bigot. Were Crist a hetrosexual would you say that we should know about his affairs so he isn't subject to blackmail? I doubt you would.
In your spirit I call upon Jim Davis, Rod Smith and Tom Gallagher to tell us right now everyone they have slept with through the years, because blackmail is possible. Moreover, if you can explain to me why a homosexual who is having concealed affairs is more open to blackmail than a womanizer like Gallagher or Scott Maddox who would try and conceal numerous affairs with sleezy women, I will personally advocate a law forbiding homosexuals from holding public office in Florida since that is claerly what you want.
This is some discussion. Any juicy rumors involving elected officials that any of you care to report?
To the Charlie Crist loving Republican who accused me of being a bigot, I encourage you to re-read my post.
I said "There is nothing wrong with being gay". And I honestly mean that. I have no problem with Charlie Crist's sexual preference.
What I have a problem with is him lying about it? I don't care if he has sex with men, but when he goes through great lengths to conceal it, he opens himself and the office that he holds up to horrible consequences.
And yes, I would agree with you. A heterosexual who has an extramarital affair also opens himself up to blackmail. Wasn't that the main point you guys made about Clinton? Of course, the media loved to salivate over the sex, but it was the act as President that made it a big deal.
There is no difference between Bill Clinton and Charlie Crist except that homosexual sex is less accepted in our society (not stating whether this is right or wrong - I personally think both should be frowned upon equally).
True, Lee Constantine bangs everything in Tallahassee with a heartbeat, but he is single. No issue here.
Charlie "I'm not Jim McGreevy" Crist on the other hand has some serious skeletons.
HA HA. LMAO. I can't believe that a Crist Republican is trying to play the race/gay card by calling someone a "bigot" for raising the issue. How sad!
Republicans have spent at least two election cycles bashing gays every chance they got. With Charlie Crist as their likely nominee for governor, the GOP now wants to be the pro-gay party. How hypocritical!
Hey Anonymous,
If all you Democrats have to attack the GOP is rumors of scandal and sexual innuendo you guys are far worse off than I have previously thought. I guess it makes sense since you guys don't have any positions on major issues and are totally irrelevent in the legislative and governing processes.
I have a suggestion. Why don't you set up a political blog site much like this webpage to broadcast all of your rumors of sexual affairs that Republicans are having and your bigotry that Charlie Crist is more likely to be blackmailed than any other potential Governor because he is gay.
And Kartik, if this anonymous is in fact you as I suspect, all of the Republicans who have been nice and helpful to you across the state will turn on you in a Miami minute. Trust me with this one.
Kartik put his name out there when a 527 which hired him slandered Burt Aaronson this past fall, and I think he learned a hard lesson about putting your name out front. I know he had told a whole bunch of us that he would attack from underground from now on. Given these lewd attacks on Tom Lee and Charlie Crist's sincerity and charecter are appearing on his blogsite I have to believe until proven otherwise that he is in fact responsible. Perhaps this site was just set up a way to smut monger selected Republican polticians running statewide that Kartik doesn't like. I hope that isn't the case but I for one am suspicious and until an explanation is given I will not longer parton this site as it clearly an attempt to embarass good public officials.
Kartik, either come clean and lead us to whomever is spaming your site with this garbage or prepare to take the blame yourself for this.
I agree this garbage needs to stop. Kartik needs to take much stronger action against who ever is posting this crap.
I don't believe the Lee stuff ws appropriate.
Did you see the post from At 10:31 PM, Tony said...? In case you missed it, he said to Kartik:
"all of the Republicans who have been nice and helpful to you across the state will turn on you in a Miami minute. Trust me with this one."
Wow! The Republicans are REALLY SCARED by the gay issue with Charlie Crist. For Tony to threaten Kartik this openly is pretty amazing. How low will you guys go? Republicans are sad and sorry!
Didn't you guys also threaten Kartik when he wrote a post critical of President Ronald Reagan? Is that the MO of Palm Beach Republicans? You can't make meaningful arguments in support of a president, who I admit is hard to defend, so you attack the messenger. You can't just support Charlie Crist for who he is, so you attack the host of this blog.
You guys are sick and sorry.
Kartik knows where we stand on this. Crist is suspected of being gay and he has to get through a primary where the voters are generally conservative. He also took a dive for the liberal judges on Terry Schiavo so that will eb an issue also.
The point is Mark that someone who posted as anonymous implied that Crist is more open to blackmail because he is gay. To this point we have not heard from Kartik as we are all strongly suspicious that he posted it as anonymous as an effort to further out Crist because it would help his candidate Rod Smith.
The Democrats on this blog seem to agree with me. That shot was below the belt. I am not happy with your comments about Lee either, but at least you used your name and are accountable for the allegations you made. Notice most of the Democrats here think the Lee shot, like the Crist shot was way below the belt.
I couldn't care less if Crist is gay or not. What I care about is that he is a liberal Republican. The GOP has been too conservative in recent years, and Crist will definitely move the party to the left. That would be good for the Republican Party, and that is why I hope he wins the primary.
To answer a few questions posed here:
I am not the person who posted that Charlie Crist is open to blackmail. I do not agree with the poster nor do I believe it would be an appropriate campaign issue. I, unlike some Democrats do not feel that someone who is gay Republican should be "outed" for political reasons. I do not support the attempts to intrude into somebodies personal choice as to sexual preference. Some Democrats feel Charlie Crist and Mark Foley should pay the price for being suspected Gay republicans. I personally believe it is their lives and since it does not affect their public policy, it should not be touched. Thomas Jefferson had a very intimate and long relationship with Sally Hemings. Had that relationship been exposed in more than just the papers that Hamilton had used to do hatchet jobs on Jefferson, America very well may not be what it is today. The times are just not right for someone like Charlie Crist, who is a Republican to openly declare that he is gay. Perhaps twenty years from now it will be different. I agree with the Republican poster above who stated that the Democrats at times are desperate for election issues because the party itself is totally bereft of any sort of ideology or policy based platform. I feel the issue of Charlie Crist’s sexuality and potential to be blackmailed has no place on websites like this.
On the issue of Tom Lee, I am a campaign consultant who does aggressive direct mail pieces and no, I would not use the issue as to an affair with a lobbyist if true in a direct mail piece, unless a clear quid pro quo were established with bills that were passed or appropriations granted based on the affair. Like a newspaper reporter, someone who does direct mail has an obligation to cite sources and back up the material that appears in a mail piece with documented proof. Simple speculation is not appropriate for campaign mail, though it is perfectly legitimate on websites like this. After all, this rumors and speculation are largely why political blog sites exist. However, it is a legitimate issue for discussion on a website like this and perhaps we can help get to the actual truth about the issue if it is in fact as serious as Mark portrays, here. This is totally different than the Crist issue because according to Mark (if I read it correctly) the lobbyist has affected Lee's public behavior, and thus the work he has done as a legislator.
I'm very dissapointed that you do not believe all of these gay Republicans who are playing the public should not be outed and humiliated openly.
The GOP has told the masses that our party is a party of gays, blacks, jews and terrorists. Why should we be deferential to their wishes not to touch the same group they villify? We are at war and we must treat this as a war otherwise we will never win!
I think it is a little ridiculous that the Republican here are crying about Dems "suggesting" that Crist's sexual orientation be an issue. Democrats didn't make homosexuality an issue; the Republicans did. (Remember GOP leader Pat Robertson saying that 9/11 was God's punishment for gays and feminists! Yeah, Abraham Lincoln would be proud of his party on that one.)
In Broward County, the School Board's Diversity Committee, which has been stacked with conservatives, has wasted our tax dollars launching an all-out attack on Sponge Bob Squarepants, because he apparently is a homosexual and pushing his lifestyle on kids. Our tax dollars are paying for this?!?
And if you go to the conservative Florida blog, Truth or Death, there is a list of recommended books on the right side. One of the books is entitled, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today. Who is making sexual orientation an issue here?!?
Here are some of the other books that are being recommended by conservatives:
Outrage: How Gay Activists and Liberal Judges Are Trashing Democracy to Redefine Marriage by Peter Sprigg and The Gay Agenda: It's Dividing the Family, the Church, and a Nation by Dr. Ronnie W. Floyd. You can't blame Kartik or this blog for these books.
I have become so sick and tired hearing Republicans talking about gay people, and most of the gay people that I speak to are sick of hearing it too. The Republicans have always thought that bashing gays is a winning issue for them, but now it may come back to haunt them.
I personally think that Charlie Crist's sexual orientation is his business, but if it comes out to bite him in the ass, then the Republicans only have themselves to blame.
So Kartik, I guess you have defended the attacks on Tom Lee. I think your credibility and that of Mark (whomever he is) is totally shot.
To Ms. GOP anonymous (from 8:04 PM) -
I guess you are defending the conservative books that I mentioned.
I guess you are defending the use of tax dollars to engage in this ridiculous fight against SpongeBob SquarePants.
I guess you are defending the comments by GOP icon, Pat Robertson, who said that gays were to blame for 9/11.
You are questioning Kartik and my credibility? Hate to tell you lady - you and your party lost yours a long time ago!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Dear Tommy Donaldson (Jeb in 2008),
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, you failed to address the real issues from my previous posts and dodged the questions posed earlier.
First, I will concede that you are somewhat correct. Pat Robertson is no longer a major force in the Repubican Party. He ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 1988 and was seen as a leading challenger to Bush I. His campaign ended because of the negative publicity surrounding Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker (which had nothing to do with him) and by the fact that he lied in campaign literature about serving in combat. He never did - sounds familiar. :)
Silly me - today's Republican Party is no longer the party of Pat Robertson. It is the Party of James Dobson and Dr. James Kennedy from Broward County. In all honesty, you guys should beg for Pat to come back - these new guys are so much worse. Actually, I take that back. Keep 'em!
Are you saying that right-wingers don't try to make Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton the figureheads of the Democratic Party? Now you're just blatantly lying. Of course you do. Same with Michael Moore. The guy's not even a Democrat, but Republicans love to pretend that he's a major player in our Party's politics. (Moore's a green who was a major force behind Nader in 2000, meaning he got Bush elected).
You concede that Charlie Crist is probably gay and then go on to say that he will be outed by big sugar or "left wing Democrats." Nice try. Left wing Democrats actually see Crist as the next best thing to getting a Democratic governor. Have you seen his job as AG? He is more anti- big business than anyone. If the Dems don't win the governor's race, I personally hope it's Crist. He's practically a Democrat anyways.
But you're right. An outing is going to occur, and it has already started. Every statement by Gallagher is about how he is married and is a father. His subtle outting campaign is nice, but let's see what he does later down the road. Locke Burt didn't have a chance in 2002, so he backed off his gay attacks at the end. Gallagher won't. He will run a lot closer than Burt in 2002, and most importantly, Gallagher realizes that this is his last shot EVER to run for governor. Look for an act of desparation at the end of the GOP primary.
Lastly, you say that Alex Sink is a very strong candidate. Finally something we agree on! Cheers!!
I agree with Tim L about removing the offensive comment that was posted at 11:05 AM. Unless Charlie Crist is actually on fire and the person commenting was trying to call for help, then this post was out of line. (I'd bet top dollar that was from a Gallagher supporter!)
Honest debate - even about subjects that may make us feel uncomfortable is good for this site. Stupid attacks are not.
Listen to Tim L. Remove the post from 11:05 AM
As a conservative Republican, I am totally shocked that we are wasting so much time discussing such unimportant issues.
I think I speak for all Republicans when I say that if we are going to stay the strongest country in the world, all Americans must come together and approve an amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring all lesbians to wear bob haircuts. This way, we can tell who are lesbians. They can run, but they can't hide.
Tacky, but actually kind of funny. That sounds just like the Republicans!
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