Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Davis Record posses some serious problems for Democrats

US Sugar's attacks on Jim Davis have been below the belt and in many ways tasteless. The Davis team has done a fantastic job of spinning the situation to make US Sugar and its affiliated ECOs the primary issue of this weekend in the race for the Democratic nomination. The record of big sugar in political campaigns and with regards to legislative action is abhorent at best and it seems like Rod Smith has become too chumy with Sugar for my comfort, but sugar's involvement with Rod Smith should not obscure some disturbing votes Jim Davis has cast both in the State Legislature and in the Congress.

A recent mailer bankrolled by US Sugar discusses Davis' record on issues of race. Most notably, the vote by Davis to deny compensation to Pitts and Lee could be a major problem for the Democrats in the General Election. Charlie Crist took a leadership role in helping Kendrick Meek pass the compensation bill during the 1998 Legislative session, and can with some credibility argue to African-Americans that he is more compassionate than Jim Davis.

Jim Davis' vote on the 2005 Federal Bankrupcy Bill is equally troubling. However, a quick look at Davis financial reports shows that the credit card companies have been very thankful for Davis' support and have funded him generously.

Davis, has been a consistent supporter of School Prayer, something that even Jeb Bush doesn't openly support. While Davis' stance on school prayer doesn't bother me, it's sure to irk some of the Democrats most loyal activists. Davis voted for the 1996 school prayer bill that was vetoed by Governor Lawton Chiles.

The Democrats have two moderate, but flawed candidates seeking the nomination for Governor. Perhaps that's why "undecided" is still leading in some of the most recent polls on the Democratic side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make some good points, except that Rod Smith is a lot more dangerous and less palatable to core Democrats than is Davis.

Rod Smith is good ole boy from North Florida who clearly doesn't give a damn whether or not South Florida has a clean water supply or whether we save the Everglades ecosystem or not.

7:57 AM  

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